

Feedback, drop-outs and poor sound quality can interfere with an amazing worship experience. These problems become especially frustrating when you’ve spent thousands on audio equipment and it’s not working properly.

What to do? Thankfully, many common problems can be easily diagnosed and fixed. Before you invest more in expensive consultants, contractors or additional equipment, call us for a Check-Up.

Our technicians will come to your church, evaluate your equipment, and run some tests. We’ll fix whatever we can during our visit. If we can’t eliminate your problems right away, we’ll propose a comprehensive treatment plan.

Think of it like a house call from your doctor – a Check-Up from Wilson Pro AVL puts your sound system on the road to recovery.

  • Snap, crackle, pop, static and hum
  • Occasional or constant feedback
  • Wireless microphone drop-outs
  • Less-than-desirable sound quality

Phone/email assessment to determine potential issues

Up to Four hours of on-site troubleshooting by an experienced Wilson Pro AVL technician

In many cases, on-the-spot correction of common problems

If additional services are necessary, Confirmation of additional costs will be confirmed with you before we start.

Off site design can be included in any instance for future upgrades.

Train Up


Modern audio technology is light years ahead of where it was even 10 years ago, and it’s becoming more sophisticated every day. A solid grasp on the principles of mixing, acoustics and signal flow is essential to properly run even the most basic sound systems, and ongoing education is needed to master the newer, more advanced concepts.

You’ve invested thousands in audio equipment – now it’s time to make sure your tech team has the knowledge and confidence to operate it correctly. Start by scheduling an on-site Train-Up session with Wilson Pro AVL. We’ll educate your team on the fundamentals of church sound systems, and then train you at your facility on your equipment. If your team already knows the basics, we can help advanced users learn how to configure and use a specific piece of gear, like a digital console or networked DSP processor. Our technicians are well-versed in the latest innovations from over 400 top brands.

Sophisticated equipment isn’t enough – proper understanding is the key to maximizing its potential. Trained and confident system operators can make all the difference in the sounds of your facility.

  • Signal drops or other problems during your services that are due to operator error
  • Volunteers operating your sound system that may have some experience running sound, but no professional training
  • New equipment that nobody knows how to operate nor has the time to research
  • Constant turnover on your tech team

What to Expect

  • Phone/email assessment of your current configuration
  • Classroom-style course for all system operators and at least 2 hours of hands-on personal training at your facility administered by a Wilson Pro AVL technician
  • This is something you should be prepared to record

Tune Up


Sometimes it is difficult to pinpoint an issue. It just sounds wrong, or perhaps there is plenty of decent sound but for some reason, its hard to understand what is being said. Maybe its simply that you would like to unlock the large amount of hidden potential in your system.

A well tuned system can get you those crystalline highs and lows to add an animated depth without overpowering all of the delicate notes of a human voice. There will be a noticeable improvement in your system regardless of the quality of your speakers or microphones.

Starting from the speakers we can move back to the console to make any tweeks necessary to help drive home performances.

  • Unnatural sound or unintelligible speech
  • Echoes and unpleasant reverberation
  • Continuing problems with feedback, distortion, static and dropouts
  • Uneven gain structures, extreme EQ adjustments, or disproportionate channel settings on your mixer


  • Initial phone/email assessment of your current configuration
  • On-site analysis of your facility’s acoustics and loudspeaker response and/or mixing system problems
  • A professional, experienced technician for up to 4 hours of on-site troubleshooting and repair to include line checks, cable integrity, mixer/processor/loudspeaker settings and wireless microphone programming (up to 6 hours if both services are chosen)
  • If necessary, we will recommend:– effective, affordable and aesthetically-appealing treatment materials to correct inherent acoustical problems– loudspeaker DSP upgrades – we have several professional models to choose from starting at $375